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Black Wise Man Balthazar with Myrrh - color

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50,90 €

Attention: the size of each individual figure or animal is in proportion to the size of the standing Joseph.

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The sculpture captures the figure of Baldessarre in exquisite detail, depicting the sage's long flowing robes. The artist has skilfully worked the wood to bring out the natural beauty of the material, emphasising its elegant curves and warm colours. The facial features are also carefully detailed, conveying Balthasar's wisdom and knowledge. The myrrh depicted at his feet recalls his generosity and kind heart. This sculpture is a testament to the artist's skill and serves as a beautiful reminder of Balthasar's kindness and generosity.The three wise men, also known as magi or kings, are said to have come from the East in search of the newborn Jesus. They were guided by a star and carried three symbolic gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh. According to tradition, they were Melchior, Gaspar and Balthasar, representing Europe, Asia and Africa respectively. The gifts they offered symbolised Jesus' royal status, while the olibanum and myrrh were used in Jewish burials, foreshadowing Jesus' eventual death.

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