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Reduced price! Saint Florian with Flag,  wood carved - brown shades View larger

Saint Florian with Flag, wood carved - brown shades

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43,45 €


86,90 €

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Saint Florian with Flag, Water Jug, Protector of the Houses Patron Saint of the Fire Brigade; St. Florian Patron saint
Florian extinguishes a burning house
Florian is considered the patron saint against fire and the Fire Department
the baker
the chimney sweep
the brewer
the gardener
the cooper
the potter
the blacksmith (nail smith flag Losenstein 1868)
the soap boiler
of Poland (relics of him are in Krakow)
of Upper Austria and Linz
against fire and drought
for burns

St. Florian is invoked against fire and fire dangers, fights, storms, infertility of fields, great drought.
Sculpture of St. Florian with bare buttocks

Florian is depicted as a Roman legionary with a flag, water bucket and with a burning house, sometimes with a millstone on his neck. Originally the water bucket stood for the martyrdom of drowning, but over time became a symbol of patronage with the addition of the house. Sometimes there are also curious forms of representation, as in the spa town of Bad Tölz in Upper Bavaria. The town has been hit by major fires several times, so a Florian fountain was erected in front of the Tölz tax office in honor of the saint. To mock the tax officials, the Toelzer Florian shows a bare buttocks.
Memorial day
His Catholic day of remembrance is May 4. It is an unofficial day of remembrance in the General Roman Calendar.

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